
Professor Kader is the chairman and founder of NGMV Medical Volunteers and Life Academy Charity. The charity was founded in 2010 by a group of healthcare professionals from the North East of England including orthopaedic surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and physiotherapists.

Professor Kader also worked for the international Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a specialist surgeon from 2015 to 2019. He regularly visits Lebanon to provide surgical care for the war wounded victims at the ICRC weapon wounded trauma training centre in Tripoli.

Currently he is an advisor, surgeon and host for Swisscross foundation in Kurdistan/Iraq

NGMV charity is an extremely lean organisation. Every pounds raised is spent directly on patients. There are no overheads or administration fees. Management and administration is provided by the trustees for free. In 2010 the charity partnered with the Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) and in 2011 the partnership was extended to Nechirvan Health Aid Office in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to provide voluntary medical care to a wider population of Iraq.

The war in Iraq has resulted in the displacement of vast numbers of doctors and health care
professionals leaving a huge void in the number of suitably qualified and experienced surgeons. NGMV charity provides free health care to the less fortunate families of the Kurdistan region.

Since 2010 more than 100 UK members of the charity have visited Iraq performing more than 320 orthopaedic procedures and seeing around 2300 patients in the out patient and refugee camps. Orthopaedic surgery continues to present a unique challenge due the lack of prosthetics and specialist surgical equipment available to the hospitals in this region.

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